Building Surveying

Building Surveying Services

David Cullen is a registered chartered building surveyor with The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and RICS.
The following services are provided by the practice:-

Expert Witness

DCAD has represented both clients and contractors in alternative dispute resolution processes such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration. DCAD prepares reports to assist legal advisors.

Legal Mapping

When purchasing property your solicitor should furnish a land registry folio map which DCAD can check for accuracy against the site boundaries. DCAD can provide a Declaration of Identity, that all services are contained within the site boundaries.
There are 2 separate systems for recording property transactions:
The registration of title system (Land Registry) which provides a State-guaranteed title to property and
The registration of deeds system (Registry of Deeds) which records the existence of deeds and conveyances affecting property.
A title is the ownership of a property and a deed is a written document that affects property.
Both systems are mutually exclusive. Your solicitor will know which of the 2 systems is relevant to your case. Both systems are under the control and management of the Property Registration Authority (PRA), an independent statutory body set up under the Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006.

Building Surveys

If you are planning to purchase a second hand property make sure that you engage a chartered building surveyor to carry out a property buyers inspection report, which will detail any defects affecting the property that would require action in the short to medium term. The inspection is a visual check of all accessible areas with few necessary caveats in a jargon free detailed format with photographs, sketches and descriptions including cost estimates to provide you with the necessary knowledge prior to purchase. David Cullen Chartered Building Surveyor has completed hundreds of inspections over the years aiding clients to make informed decisions.

Schedule of Dilapidation

A Schedule of Dilapidation is usually required between landlord and tenant agreements. A Lease may include for a tenant to repair and maintain a landlord property to a certain standard. DCAD will act on behalf of the landlord or tenant in such circumstances and an inspection report can be prepared identifying obligations of the tenant or landlord.

Schedule of Condition

A Schedule of Condition is carried out on neighbouring properties abutting a clients site. The intention is to document all existing defects such as cracking or damaged finishes prior to the works commencing to protect a later claim for damages by the neighbour or indeed verify that damage has occurred as a result of the works. A schedule of photographs with descriptions identifying all defects is jointly agreed and signed by both parties. In the event of a claim for damages, the Schedule of Condition can be referenced to check if a pre-existing defect existed prior to carrying out works.
A Schedule of Condition can also assist a tenant entering into a lease arrangement whereby they are to be made responsible for maintaining a certain standard during the tenancy lease.